The mission of the Environmental Bioengineering Laboratory at Porter School of Environmental and Earth Sciences is to train scientists and engineers in the fundamentals of bioengineering to bring the principles and tools of bioengineering to the forefront of environmental and health sciences in the benefit of the society and the planet
What is Environmental Bioengineering?
The science which goal is to advance fundamental understanding of how biological systems operate and to develop effective biology-based technologies for applications across a wide spectrum of societal needs including:
Generating renewable energy
Producing sustainable food
Diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of pollutions
Design of novel materials, devices, and processes
Enhancing human environmental health
Reducing the waste burden
News & Updates
Meiron, Arthur, Mark and Meghanath presnted our work on the Israel Biotechnology Engineering Society meeting in Tel Aviv
Arthur presented the Algae Biorefineries for Sustainable Cities in the Coastal Cities conference at Tel Aviv
Mark was awarded a full PhD fellowship for bioethanol production by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Moreover, Mark received a award from the Rieger Foundation for the excellence in environmental research!
Our and Zohar Yakhini (IDC Herzelia ) labs won the Microsoft Azure Research Award to use parralel computing to develop an algorithm to quantify sugars in the algae biomass. The proposal was led by our undergraduate lab member Yonatan Peleg. Good job Yoni!
A group of professors and PhD students the Mexico Polytechnio Nacional visited the environmental bioengineering laboratory
Congratulations to Oz for receiving the one year graduate student grant from the TAU Gordon Energy Center for materials and equipment for algae cultivation system!
Together with collaborators from TAU (prof. Alex Liberzon), Weizmann Institute of Science (prof. Ilan Koren)and IOLI (Dr. Alvaro Israel)
Alex Golberg has been awarded 480,500 NIS grant from the Israel Ministry of Energy, Infrastructure and Water Resources
The title of the grant is "Assessment of offshore macroalgae biomass production for energy in Israel"
Together with collaborators from TAU (prof. Avi Kribus), Israel Center for Marine Aquaculture (Dr. Lior Gutman)
Alex Golberg has been awarded 785,000 NIS grant from the Israel Ministry of Energy, Infrastructure and Water Resources
The title of the grant is "Processes for biomass deconstruction for biofuels production"
Mark Polikovksy won the Short term Scientific Missions travel grant from Phycomorph Cost action.
Sincerely Congratulations to Supratim for being selected for an Assistant Professor in BITS Pilany, India. Great news!
Congratulations to Nurit for recieving school excelent students award for 2021!
Our book on Marine Biorefineries for the Blue economy is published!!
Congratulations to Meiron Zollmann for winning the Israel Water Authority PhD fellowship
Congratulations to Rima Gnaim for winning the Rothschild foundation PhD fellowship
Sincerely Congratulations to Meghanath for being selected for an Assistant Professor position in Goa University, Department of Biotechnology. Great news!
Alex gave an invited talk for the Innovations in Wound Healing conferece. He was chosen a IWH Faculty of 2018
Congratulations to Yoni and Shai for paper accepted to Analytica Chimica Acta. Great job
Mark Polikovsky was awarded a GreenTalent2018 Award from the German Federal Government
Prof. Alexander Golberg,
Associate Professor
The Porter School of Environmental and Earth Sciences
Room 205
phone: +972-3-640-7182,
e-mail: agolberg@tauex.tau.ac.il